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In general, whenever web development is mentioned, it is related to website hosting, placing some fancy pictures up on a page and Voila. You have got a website.


But at NXT Gen understand it’s more than just some picture and fancy text. Web Development along with hosting website includes web designing and page content alignment, web application development, client side/server-side coding and scripting, client liaison and network security configuration for web server.

This means coding and programming completed in the back-end in plain HTML text file (non-design aspect of website) to a fancy website page that appears when you look up a domain, such as


Process of Websites or Web Apps development require going from a Plain text format (A) to well designed format (B).

In Web Development, 3 important things have to be measured and integrated


  • Front-End Development – means the appearance for visitors, such as layout and visual graphics of a website


  • Back-End Development – means functionality,  coding and programming for the appearance and interaction of website/web apps


  • Full-Stack Development – means have a platform (software & hardware) in place to make the website and web applications runs from, such as a web server with proper operating system to run the entire web content.



NXT Gen understands the issues faced when dealing with Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack development and the effort it require to MANAGE a website, web application, and web server.


Contact us for your web requirement and management. We’ll happily take on programming and coding, so you don’t have to worry about it.

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